إختتام مشروع الأمن الغذائي/Closing of Food Security Project

إختتام مشروع الأمن الغذائي/Closing of Food Security Project


إختتام مشروع الأمن الغذائي/Closing of Food Security Project

إختتام مشروع الأمن الغذائي/Closing of Food Security Project

نيسان 2021 — 696 views
Publishing Date : 03 نيسان, 2021 08:05:29

Closing of Food Security Project
Tuesday | February 2, 2021
With a generous support of philanthropists, and within its efforts, activities and keenness to console and relieve orphans, widows and the disabled, Ramz Foundation for Development, under the supervision of the Supreme Council for Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and International Cooperation, implemented a project to distribute food aids targeted orphans, the disabled and (200) families of the poorest families. The distribution of food aids was in the Sport Center for Persons with Disabilities and continued for two days. This project is among the humanitarian projects implemented by the Foundation during the year 2021.

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